Comprehensive List of Non-Competitive Hiring Authorities
All of the federal noncompetitive hiring authorities, listed together for the first time

Non-Competitive Hiring Authorities (NCHAs) allow federal agencies to offer career or career-conditional appointments to temporary or excepted service employees without competition from external job hunters. In other words, NCHAs are an inside track. All NCHAs were created by Congressional action. Some NCHAs apply federal government-wide while others are specific to a federal agency.
Closely related to NCHAs, another important term to know is Non-Competitive Hiring Eligibility (NCE), which is something you can earn. For aspiring career federal employees, NCE is a game changer, a back door to permanent federal government employment. Job applicants with NCE face less competition, enjoy a faster application process, and receive heightened interest from hiring managers. The best part: you can use the NCE "golden ticket" to bypass USAJobs!
Some of the job opportunities that convey NCE are advertised on USAJobs, yet others never appear there. This article lists all the NCHAs in one place so you can learn about them and evaluate whether you might use one of the NCHAs to earn NCE. It is divided into four parts:
Part One: Federal Government-Wide Non-Competitive Hiring Authorities
Part Two: Federal Agency Specific Non-Competitive Hiring Authorities
Part Three: Fellowships that Confer Non-Competitive Hiring Eligibility
Please note: NCHAs are distinct from Direct-Hire Authority (DHA); however, a bonus section details various special and DHA avenues in Part Four: Special and Direct Hire Authorities. What is DHA? In short, DHA allows federal agencies to bypass traditional merit procedures, such as Veteran's preference, to hire new employees. For more information, see this OPM fact sheet, or take a look at this excellent Research Brief the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board Office of Policy and Evaluation published in February 2021.
Part One: Federal Government-Wide Non-Competitive Hiring Authorities
Americorps Volunteers in Service to America (Americorps VISTA):
What: A national service program with a focus on alleviating poverty by helping local organizations expand capacity to make change.
How to apply: You can apply via the Americorps website,
Federal Cyber Scholarship-for-Service Program:
What: "Scholarship For Service (SFS) is a unique program designed to recruit and train the next generation of information technology professionals, industrial control system security professionals, and security managers to meet the needs of the cybersecurity mission for Federal, State, local, and tribal governments."
How to apply: Interested students must apply directly with participating academic institutions.
COMING SOON... Federal AI Scholarship-for-Service Program:
What: See 42 U.S. Code § 18993.
How to apply: TBD, likely directly with participating academic institutions.
Military Spouses (conditions apply):
What: Executive Order 13473 authorizes the noncompetitive appointment of certain military spouses to competitive service positions for which s/he is otherwise qualified and eligible. To be eligible, spouses must meet one of the three criteria: 1) is relocating with his/her service-member-spouse on PCS orders; 2) is the spouse of a 100% disabled service member whose disability was incurred while on active duty, or; 3) is the spouse of service member killed during active duty.
How to apply: On USAJobs, look for the * symbol, or work directly with hiring managers government-wide to find a vacancy. Search for employees with the title of "Veteran's Employment Program Manager". For instance, if you are eligible under this authority and interested in working for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, you should get in touch with Jeffrey Jack.
Pathways Program:
What: "Streamlined developmental programs tailored to promote employment opportunities for students and recent graduates in the Federal workforce."
How to apply: You can only apply to Pathways opportunities via USAJobs.
What: International service program where volunteers work side-by-side with community members on locally prioritized projects.
How to apply: You can apply via the Peace Corps website,
Persons with disabilities (Schedule A & Workforce Recruitment Program):
What: Excepted service employment opportunities for people with severe physical, psychiatric, and intellectual disabilities.
How to apply: "In order to be eligible for employment through the Schedule A non-competitive process, documentation of the disability is required. Such documentation is used to verify that the individual being hired is indeed a person with an intellectual disability, severe physical disability, or psychiatric disability. This documentation must be provided to the hiring agency before an individual can be hired. Documentation of eligibility for employment under Schedule A can be obtained from a licensed medical professional (e.g., a physician or other medical professional certified by a state, the District of Columbia, or a U.S. territory to practice medicine); a licensed vocational rehabilitation specialist (i.e., state or private); or any Federal agency, state agency, or agency of the District of Columbia or a U.S. territory that issues or provides disability benefits."
Veterans [Veterans Recruitment Appointment (VRA), 30% Disabled Veteran]:
What: Certain Veterans may be eligible for noncompetitive appointment to a civil service position under a special hiring authority.
How to determine your eligibility: Review OPM's "Vet Guide for HR Professionals."
How to apply: How to apply: On USAJobs, look for the white shield on a green circle symbol, or work directly with hiring managers government-wide to find a vacancy. Search for employees with the title of "Veteran's Employment Program Manager". For instance, if you are eligible under this authority and interested in working for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, you should get in touch with Jeffrey Jack.
Part Two: Federal Agency Specific Non-Competitive Hiring Authorities
Department of Agriculture (USDA), Department-wide:
What: Under 7 USC 2279j, the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture may noncompetitively convert to an appointment in the competitive service, in an agency or office within the Department of Agriculture, a recent graduate or student who is a United States citizen and has been awarded and successfully completed a scholarship program granted to the individual by the Department through the 1890 National Scholars Program or the 1994 Tribal Scholars Program carried out by the Department.
Who: recent graduates or students who are United States citizens AND have been awarded and successfully completed a scholarship program granted to the individual by the Department through the 1890 National Scholars Program or the 1994 Tribal Scholars Program carried out by the Department.
How to apply: First, you must apply and be accepted into the 1890 National Scholars Program or the 1994 Tribal Scholars Program.
Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service Resource Assistant Program:
What: A "rigorous and immersive, paid internship for individuals who are interested in conservation, natural and cultural resources, research and development, or other careers." See the USDA Forest Service Resource Assistant Program Fact Sheet and the dedicated Forest Service webpage for more information.
Who: "Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents 17 and up. If you are enrolled in an institution of higher education, especially a minority-serving one, you receive [internship hiring] preference."
How to apply: In general, external partners post Resource Assistants opportunities to their job boards. Federal Ferret understands that hiring managers may also recruit applicants directly for unpublished opportunities.
Department of Defense (DoD), Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratories:
What: Certain positions at DoD Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratories (STRL)
Who: Currently enrolled students. The director of any STRL may appoint qualified candidates enrolled in a program of undergraduate or graduate instruction leading to a bachelor's or an advanced degree in a scientific, technical, engineering or mathematical course of study at an institution of higher education. With respect to any student appointed by the director of an STRL to a temporary or term appointment, upon graduation from the applicable institution of higher education, the director may noncompetitively convert such student to another temporary appointment or to a term or permanent appointment within the STRL. For more information, see 10 USC 4091.
How to apply: ?
Department of Interior (DOI), Department-wide:
What: Resource Assistant Internship Program
How to apply:
Department of Interior (DOI), National Park Service (NPS):
What: The Latino Heritage Internship Program
Who: U.S. Citizens or permanent residents aged 18-30 (military veterans 35 or younger)
How to apply: Apply for the "Traditional-Public Land Corps Internship" to earn two years of noncompetitive hiring eligibility. Application timeline here.
Department of Interior, National Park Service (NPS):
Who: U.S. Citizens or permanent residents currently enrolled full-time in a graduate program (with a graduation date after the internship end date) with at least two years of professional work experience and a valid U.S. drivers license.
How to apply: The application process is managed by the Purposeful Growth Institute.
Department of State (DoS), Family Member Appointment:
What: Certain Appointment Eligible Family Members (AEFM) may be appointed non-competitively to a career-conditional appointment in a Civil Service position that is based in the United States. To be eligible, the AEFM must have completed 52 weeks of creditable service, or 2,087 hours, in a Family Member Appointment (FMA) or Temporary (TEMP) Appointment overseas. The AEFM must have received a fully successful or above performance rating. NCE status is valid for three years after the date the AEFM resumes residency in the United States.
Who: If you are the family member of a federal employee working overseas you may be eligible to earn this NCE.
How to apply: Look for federal job opportunities at your family member's overseas duty location of record.
Learn more: 5 CFR 315.608, Executive Order 12721, dedicated State Department webpage
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Graduate Healthcare Administration Training Program:
What: A one-year training program for recent graduates. Complete the program and you’ll be eligible for non-competitive GS-11 placement within the VA health care system.
Who: Recent graduates holding a master’s degree in hospital administration (MHA, MSHA), public health administration (MPH), or related fields such as business (MBA) or public administration (MPA) from an accredited institution.
How to apply: Open trainee positions will be announced by the HR staff at the host sites. The recruitment phase is typically conducted from January-May for the program that runs from June-June.
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), HR Specialist Training and Accelerated Readiness (HR-STAR):
What: HR STAR is a one-year training program for recent graduates, including those in human resources. Get started on a path to a VA career by applying to one of two career tracks: Recruitment, Placement, and Compensation (RPC) or Employee labor relations and performance management (ELP).
Who: Recent graduates
How to apply: USAJobs (search by keyword "HR STAR" or "Pathways Recent Graduate")
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Technical Career Field (TCF) Training Program:
What: You'll work full-time at a VA facility during this two-year traineeship in a critically identified position with salary, employment benefits, and mentoring. When you begin your training, you’ll work at VA in a GS-05 position, though over the course of your 2-year development, you may acquire the skills and training necessary to qualify for a GS-11 position. When your appointment is up, you may be placed in the facility where you interned or in another VA facility that needs your skills.
Who: Various backgrounds
How to apply: USAJobs (search by keyword "TCF" , "Pathways" , or "Recent Graduate")
NASA, Distinguished Scholar Appointment Authority:
What: Research and Professional opportunities hired between the GS-7 and GS-12 levels. Per NASA, the objective of this authority is to place less emphasis on work experience and provide an alternative external hiring vehicle that gives more weight to the academic performance of recent graduates.
Who: Recent graduates (no more than two years since graduation date) with minimum GPA of 3.5 in coursework in the field of study required for the position.
How to apply: USAJobs vacancy announcement will identify the position(s) as being filled under the Distinguished Scholar provisions
Learn more: 5 USC 9810
Part Three: Fellowships that Confer Non-Competitive Hiring Eligibility/Direct-Hire Eligibility
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program
Critical Language Scholarship Program
Fulbright U.S. Student Program
National Weather Service (NWS) Hydrologic Research Fellowship Program (15 USC 9709)
Presidential Management Fellows:
What: "The Federal Government's flagship leadership development program for advanced degree holders across all academic disciplines."
How to apply: You can apply to Presidential Management Fellows opportunities via USAJobs or
Sea Grant (NOAA) Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship (33 USC 1127)
Part Four: Special and Direct-Hire Authorities
Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States:
What: The heads of the departments and agencies represented on the Committee may appoint, without regard to the provisions of sections 3309 through 3318 of title 5, candidates directly to positions in the competitive service (as defined in section 2102 of that title) in their respective departments and agencies. The primary responsibility of positions authorized under the preceding sentence shall be to administer this section. See 50 USC 4565.
Who: Qualified individuals
How to apply: If you have the qualifications, get in touch with this Committee directly.
Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service Resource Assistant Program:
What: A "rigorous and immersive, paid internship for individuals who are interested in conservation, natural and cultural resources, research and development, or other careers." See the USDA Forest Service Resource Assistant Program Fact Sheet and the dedicated Forest Service webpage for more information.
Who: "Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents 17 and up. If you are enrolled in an institution of higher education, especially a minority-serving one, you receive [internship hiring] preference."
How to apply: In general, external partners post Resource Assistants opportunities to their job boards. Federal Ferret understands that hiring managers may also recruit applicants directly for unpublished opportunities.
Department of Defense (DoD), Pilot Program on Direct Hire Authority for Spouses Authorized to Accompany Service Members Overseas:
What: Spouses authorized to accompany members of the Uniformed Services serving at locations outside of the United States may be eligible for Direct Hire two-year term appointment to a role for which s/he is otherwise qualified when the duty location is within reasonable commuting distance of the location of the position.
Who: Spouses authorized to accompany members of the Uniformed Services OCONUS
How to apply: ?
Hiring Authority expires: December 31, 2026 per 10 USC 1784
Department of Defense (DoD), Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratories:
What: Certain positions at DoD Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratories (STRL)
Who: Currently enrolled students. The director of any STRL may appoint qualified candidates enrolled in a program of undergraduate or graduate instruction leading to a bachelor's or an advanced degree in a scientific, technical, engineering or mathematical course of study at an institution of higher education. For more information, see 10 USC 4091.
How to apply: ?
Department of Defense (DoD), Personnel Demonstration Laboratories for Advanced Degree Holders:
What: Scientific and engineering positions at any laboratory designated a DoD Personnel Demonstration Laboratories.
Who: Currently enrolled students. The director of any STRL may appoint qualified candidates enrolled in a program of undergraduate or graduate instruction leading to a bachelor's or an advanced degree in a scientific, technical, engineering or mathematical course of study at an institution of higher education. For more information, see 10 USC 4091.
How to apply: ?
Department of Interior (DOI), Department-wide:
What: Resource Assistant Internship Program (DOI Personnel Bulletin 21-08, dated 5 November 2021)
Who: DOI Resource Assistant interns who completed the requirements of the internship program and earned a degree.
How to apply: ?
Department of State (DoS), Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy:
What: The Secretary of State may appoint up to 25 employees to cyber positions in the Bureau without regard to the provisions of subchapter I of chapter 33 of title 5, regarding appointments in the competitive service
Who: Qualified individuals
How to apply: If you have the qualifications, get in touch with this office directly
Learn more: 22 USC 2651a
Department of State (DoS), Office of Sanctions Coordination:
What: The head of the Office may appoint, without regard to the provisions of sections 3309 through 3318 of title 5, candidates directly to positions in the competitive service, as defined in section 2102 of that title, in the Office.
Who: Qualified individuals
How to apply: If you have the qualifications, get in touch with this office directly
Hiring Authority expires: December 31, 2026 per 22 USC 2651a
Department of Transportation (DOT), United States Merchant Marine Academy:
What: In the event of an unfilled vacancy for any critical position at the United States Merchant Marine Academy, the Secretary of Transportation may appoint, without regard to the provisions of subchapter I of chapter 33 of title 5, other than sections 3303 and 3328 of that title, a qualified candidate for the purposes of filling up to 20 of such positions. See 46 USC 51324.
Who: Qualified individuals
How to apply: If you have the qualifications, get in touch with DOT directly
Department of Treasury, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN):
What: The Secretary of the Treasury may appoint, without regard to the provisions of sections 3309 through 3318 of title 5, candidates directly to positions in the competitive service, as defined in section 2102 of that title, in FinCEN. See 31 USC 310.
Who: Qualified individuals
How to apply: If you have the qualifications, get in touch with Treasury directly
Department of Treasury, Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (OTFI):
What: The Secretary of the Treasury may appoint, without regard to the provisions of sections 3309 through 3318 of title 5, candidates directly to positions in the competitive service, as defined in section 2102 of that title, in the OTFI. See 31 USC 312.
Who: Qualified individuals
How to apply: If you have the qualifications, get in touch with Treasury directly
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Graduate Healthcare Administration Training Program:
What: A one-year training program for recent graduates. Complete the program and you’ll be eligible for non-competitive GS-11 placement within the VA health care system.
Who: Recent graduates holding a master’s degree in hospital administration (MHA, MSHA), public health administration (MPH), or related fields such as business (MBA) or public administration (MPA) from an accredited institution.
How to apply: Open trainee positions will be announced by the HR staff at the host sites. The recruitment phase is typically conducted from January-May for the program that runs from June-June.
Federal Election Commission (FEC):
What: The Commission is authorized to appear in and defend against any action filed under section 9011, either by attorneys employed in its office or by counsel whom it may appoint without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, and whose compensation it may fix without regard to the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of such title. See 26 USC 9010.
Who: Attorneys
How to apply: If you have the qualifications, get in touch with this office directly.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC):
What: The Commission shall have authority, subject to the provisions of the civil-service laws and chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5, to appoint such officers, engineers, accountants, attorneys, inspectors, examiners, and other employees as are necessary in the exercise of its functions. See 47 USC 154.
Who: Various professionals
How to apply: If you have the qualifications, get in touch with this office directly.
Institute of Museum and Library Services:
What: Per 20 USC 9105, The Director may, in accordance with applicable provisions of title 5, appoint and determine the compensation of such employees as the Director determines to be necessary to carry out the duties of the Institute. Technical and professional employees may also be appointed without regard to the provisions of title 5.
Who: Various professionals
How to apply: If you have the qualifications, get in touch with this office directly.
What: Direct-Hire Authority for various positions because of "severe shortages of candidates and/or critical hiring needs."
Who: Medical Occupations (Diagnostic Radiologic Technologist, Medical Officer, Nurse, Pharmacist), Veterinary Medical Officers, IT Management (information security), positions involved in Iraqi Reconstruction Efforts (requiring fluency in Arabic or other related Middle Eastern languages).
How to apply: USAJobs (include the terms "Direct Hire Authority" in your keyword search)
What: Direct-Hire Authority for various Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) positions because of "severe shortages of candidates and/or critical hiring needs."
Who (Position titles): Economist, Biological Science, Fishery Biologist, General Engineer, Civil Engineer, Physical Sciences, Actuary, Mathematics, Mathematical Statistician and Statistician, and Acquisitions.
How to apply: USAJobs (include the terms "Direct Hire Authority" in your keyword search)
Hiring Authority expires: October 10, 2023 per OPM memorandum dated October 11, 2018
What: Direct-Hire Authority for various cybersecurity positions because of "severe shortages of candidates and/or critical hiring needs."
Who: Computer engineers (cybersecurity), computer scientists (cybersecurity), electronics engineers (cybersecurity), IT cybersecurity specialists
How to apply: USAJobs (include the terms "Direct Hire Authority" in your keyword search)
Hiring Authority validity: "indefinitely or until OPM terminates this authority."
Additions and Corrections
Did I miss one? Does my list include an expired program? Please contact me to let me know!
Wrapping up:
Bottom line: If you aspire to work for the federal government, there are ways to get hired that don't involve using USAJobs (or having fancy connections; although, as I've shown, the laws occasionally accommodate that too...).